As more and more lawyers adopt iPads, and more and more courts move to e-filing the question inevitably arises: How the ?>#!* do I upload that Motion to Kiss My Ass from my iPad?*
After researching the issue, not a lot of options exist for uploading documents from the iPad. The built in Safari web browser doesn’t support uploading to a website. PDF Expert, GoodReader and iAnnotate also lack the ability to log into an e-filing portal and upload. However, a $1.99 iPad browser called iCab does allow uploading for e-filing pleadings. I tested it with our local court e-filing here in Utah and with the Utah Federal District court ECF. It worked on both systems. As always, Your Mileage May Vary based on your particular jurisdiction and, of course, the substance and tone of your filing will neither be improved nor reduced by using iCab to e-file court documents.
* (See, Washington v. Alaimo, 934 F. Supp. 1395 (S.D. Ga. 1996)).
I literally laughed out loud, had to pause the TV, and read the “motion to kiss my ass” piece” to my wife! Too funny!
Slick! iCab worked like a charm! Thank you.
I am not getting how one gets the documents to an accessible folder. How do I pull the pdf down from my dropbox folders? I will admit to be a dullard.
While viewing the file in Dropbox, choose “Open-In” dialog (usually a box with an arrow in the upper right corner of every iOS app). Choose iCab. The file is copied into iCab and held there. Log in and, when you choose to upload, iCab will present you with a dialog showing all files you have sent to iCab using the “Open-In” dialog.