Continuity – Avoid In Court Embarrassment

With the new release of iOS 8 and the Continuity feature, you can now answer phone calls to your iPhone on your iPad (and soon on your Mac too). This really great feature can come in handy when your phone is buried in your bag or on a charger in another room. It’s also handy at making phone calls direct from your iPad or Mac as you can dial directly from a Contact without grabbing your phone. But, as pointed by iPhone JD Jeff Richardson, this can lead to some embarrassment when you turn your iPhone to vibrate, but then your iPad starts ringing in court. Jeff provides the nitty gritty on how to drill down into settings and turn off the feature that allows you to answer iPhone calls on your iPad. But, there is a far simpler solution. Before walking into court, just tell Siri to “Turn on Do Not Disturb.” Any phone calls will go straight to voice mail and will not ring through to your other devices (MacBook or iPad). The added benefit to this is that your phone will not do that annoying vibrate while you are in the middle of trying to respond to a hearsay objection or important question from a judge. And, the vibration on the new iPhone is loud enough that even in a brief case in a quiet courtroom it can be distracting.

Siri Do Not Disturb


Rulebook Updated – 1Ls and Citation Geeks Rejoice

Just in time for back-to-school, The Bluebook is now available on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch as an in-app purchase through rulebook. The Bluebook is a uniform system of legal citation force fed to first year law students and relied upon by citation junkies everywhere. Serious legal writers and experienced lawyers also use The Bluebook to maintain their credibility with the recent law grads who clerk at the courts since these new grads firmly believe that anyone who fails to cite in compliance with The Bluebook knows nothing about the law. The in-app purchase is the same price as a hard copy, but just try searching hard copy for the proper format for Commercial Recordings so that you can correctly cite Don Henley, The Boys of Summer, on Building the Perfect Beast (Geffen Records 1984).

Circus Ponies Notebook + Dropbox = Joy

Just noticed that Notebook for iPad has been updated to sync via Dropbox. Previously, the only way to sync was over the USB drag-n-drop through iTunes run around. Once your Dropbox credentials are in Notebook, you can download and sync pre-existing Notebooks from the Dropbox cloud, or you can designate a folder and upload notebooks created on your iPad. Now that Notebook syncs over Dropbox, this will be my go to outliner on the iPad.

iPad @ Work

David Sparks, aka MacSparky, aka a source of Much Wisdom for All Things Apple and Workflowish, just published a new book: iPad at Work. The book is not quite yet available in Kindle format, but is available on iBooks and even in brick and mortar stores. For any contrarians flaunting the iPad’s ‘obvious’ consumption only device status, David’s book covers the gamut and provides specific app recommendations for education, law, medicine, construction (iHammer anyone?), real estate and IT.

Over the years, David turned MacLitigator (see the homage folks?) on to such gems as Default Folder X and convinced me to even try OmniFocus despite its ugly Getting Things Done by micromanaging your life roots. So, the price of admission is worth it just to see what he considers to be good workplace specific apps.

TrialPad – 2.0 – The Real Deal

Just finished watching TechnoEsq. video coverage of the soon to be released TrialPad 2.0. It looks like it is, in fact, becoming well worth the $89 price tag. The new features include side by side display of documents, on the fly call outs, differing colors and widths of highlight tools, and the ability to display .mov and .mp4 video as well as do basic video editing. The whole video is a little more than 6 minutes and worth watching to see what’s coming up. Now if they can only get AirPlay functionality down for static documents and video…

iPhone 5 Found at Bar

Apparently an unnamed blog writer was at the bar last night when the customer next to him left behind his phone. That phone appears to be none other than Apple’s next iteration of the iPhone. You can see from the pic that it will include what appears to be a stylus based touch screen.

Dragon Dictation for the iPhone

“Finally, dictation software you might actually find useful. Nuance the makers of dragon dictation, released an iPhone application today. Unlike Mac speech,iTunesthere’s no training required and the dictation software work works remarkably well. In fact, this entire blog entry was dictated using DragonDictate for the iPhone . Dragons the iPhone is free for the taking from the app store.”

The above was dictated using Dragon and is presented unaltered from the original. You’ll notice the error with the period at the second to last sentence and the last sentence itself should read “Dragon for the the iPhone is …”

The error from the period arises because the app can only handle a limited amount of dictation before it stops dictating, then you must start dictating again. Still, a pretty useful little app to have around. It lets you cut n past from app into SMS, email etc which can make it very handy for responding to emails and SMS without needing to type. For longer dictation projects, probably not all that useful.

Snow Leopard Compatibility Checker

A downloadable and free piece of software will help you determine whether or not Snow Leopard cripples your favorite piece of software or, more accurately, whether the developer of your favorite piece of software totally ignored the inevitable and has left you high n’ dry… I’m looking at you Fujitsu Scansnap (limited functionality under Snow Leopard) and Vonage Companion (completely borked).

Snowchecker via Lifehacker.